Saturday, 20 July 2013

Deconstruction Challenge with The Play Date Cafe


Number 3 for today and this one was using the Sketch over at the Deconstuction Challenge Blog and using the colour combo over at the Play Date Cafe.

For this card I have used the following products from Stampin UP

Card - Pistachio Pudding, Crisp Cantaloupe Very Vanilla
Ink - Chocolate Chip and Crisp Cantaloupe
Stamp - Summer Silohuette, You're Amazing
Some DS Paper from the In Colour Stack
2 Brads from stash

Thanks for looking


  1. very delicate with the lovely colours

  2. very delicate with great colours

  3. So pretty! I love the way that you created these little snapshots of the floral image. Love that minty green color! So glad you could join us for this week's Play Date Cafe Challenge!


Global Design Project #GDP238

I started off making one card for the challenge at ' Global design project'. I knew str...